Comment 97728

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted February 20, 2014 at 00:23:40

Andrea Horwath is my MPP since I live in Hamilton Centre. Hamilton's LRT and the revenue tools to pay for it benefits her own constituents.

The NDP should be a party of social justice. The NDP should be on the side of the ordinary person in Hamilton on the HSR.

My resolution for tomorrow is to write her a letter telling her that my support for her re-election to her own seat in the legislature is dependent upon her support of the 10 cent per litre gasoline tax.

I will even offer to join the New Democratic Party if it becomes a true party advocating social justice. Yes, that means more than empty rhetoric. It means (among other things!) a 10 cent per litre gasoline tax to help deter car drivers from launching lethal cancer poison attacks upon our most vulnerable citizens.

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