Comment 92198

By Noted (anonymous) | Posted September 16, 2013 at 10:48:10 in reply to Comment 92194

"The Downtown Secondary Plan recognizes parks, squares and open-spaces as valuable assets for Downtown regeneration and designates the block bounded by Rebecca, King William, John and Catharine Streets as parkland. The development of a park in this area of the Downtown will enhance the lifestyle of area residents and add to the value of potential residential development within the vicinity. The park will be constructed in two phases; the first phase being the existing municipally owned parking lot fronting on John and Rebecca Streets; the second phase being the land that fronts on Catharine and King William Streets that currently has two privately-operated businesses located on the property. The second phase of the urban park will be implemented in the future when/if considered economically viable.... The RAP will be implemented in 2010 and the surface re-asphalted allowing the continued use of the property for parking purposes until construction of the urban park commences, currently anticipated to be in 2013. The parking spaces at 76 John Street North will be replaced at the new parking structure planned by the Hamilton Realty Capital Inc. (HRCI) as part of their proposed development at 140 King William Street in keeping with the conditions set-out in City Council’s approval of Report PED09226 at its meeting held August 13, 2009... The Downtown Secondary Plan, Schedule L-7 identifies the land bounded by Rebecca,
John, Catharine and King William Streets as Parks/Open Space. Section of the Plan titled ‘Public Open Spaces’ describes parks as being intended for passive recreational use and special public activities and events. A high standard of design of all
public open spaces is to be achieved to promote comfort, safety, enjoyment, accessibility, a sense of nature and usability. The remediation of the property located at 76 John Street North is required in moving forward with the development of a park in this location."

One barometer for the timeline around John/Rebecca park may be the lot directly to the east, an unremediated brownfield that has sat vacant since the mid-1990s.

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