Comment 91838

By ViennaCafe (registered) | Posted September 06, 2013 at 20:08:27

The Spectator continues to be disappointing. I stopped reading here: "Yes, it is important to save as much of our built history as possible, but at what cost?"

How can someone write that and not be embarrassed? First, the editorial begins with the recognition that "it has been five years since the City of Hamilton has protected a building through a heritage designation" meaning the city is not protecting ANY heritage properties. And then "at what cost?" What is the cost of having failed so miserably to protect heritage properties?

The Spectator always works so hard at trying to sound reasonable from the development community's back pocket and just ends up sounding stupid and ill-informed for a newspaper.

Comment edited by ViennaCafe on 2013-09-06 20:08:57

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