Comment 91684

By Reluctant_Commuter (anonymous) | Posted September 04, 2013 at 12:12:22 in reply to Comment 91678

Actually, I would argue that getting people to live here and commute to Toronto is a bad thing for Hamilton - if done in excess.

Sure we get their tax money, but where do people who work in Toronto go for lunch? Where do they get their haircut? Where do they buy their shoes and suits? Where do they pick up gifts cards when they forget a birthday or Valentine's Day? Where do they walk around during the day, where do they add to the vibracncy of daily life? When they're tired and don't want to cook where do they eat dinner?

I can tell you the answer, as someone who commutes to Toronto, and is away from Hamilton for 12+ hours a day, all I do in Hamilton on weekday nights is sleep here. I'm adding little if anything to Hamilton businesses, downtown or otherwise. On the weekends I do go grocery shopping, I try and hit a Hamilton restaurant on Saturday night. But my contribution to Hamilton's economy now is minimal compared to my contribution when I worked in downtown Hamilton.

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