Comment 91238

By Susan B (anonymous) | Posted August 22, 2013 at 14:23:13

I don't see how I'm coming up with my own references given the following.

From CBC Hamilton:

"Bontis downplayed the arguments of those who believe a downtown casino would prey on low-income residents and those with gambling addictions. “People online will have you think that homeless people will spend their last earned loonie in a casino” he said.""

In fairness, we should remind everyone at this point that Dr. Nick Bontis is a doctor in information management. Here's what local medical doctors had to say about a casino in downtown Hamilton: "The position is black and white: “Don't put a casino downtown.”"

When Nick Bontis brought up the benefit to students at the council meeting he referenced the jobs and source of entertainment that would be made available to them. He did not reference the other items you mentioned. Unfortunately, he did not mention the health studies citing the increase in suicide attempts by youth problem gamblers nor did he mention CAMH's warning that gambling risks were especially harmful for youth.

Here's the report from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health on the health issues of a casino for youth:

Here's a link quoting Nick Bontis' commentary around economic investment:

Here's an article outlining all of the investment underway in Hamilton:

During the debate Nick Bontis also loved to say that Vancouver had a downtown Casino and they seemed to be doing just fine with it. Unfortunately, Nick Bontis forgot to mention that Vancouver citizens successfully blocked the expansion of that casino due to the negative impacts (economic and crime) already felt from the downtown Casino.

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