Comment 90000

By jason (registered) | Posted July 07, 2013 at 22:06:47 in reply to Comment 89995

It seems we both agree that downtown is way more car-centric than it needs to be. So, why not lose a lane of Hunter instead of axing curb parking? Curb parking is a great feature of urban life that can buffer these bike lanes, and prevent homeowners from getting the itch to cut down trees, and pave over front gardens with mini-driveways. Hunter carries 7,000 cars per day at it's busiest spot (in front of GO Station). Downtown traffic lanes are meant to carry between 7,000-9,000 cars per day/per lane. So 1 lane is completely fine.
Again, King East in the International Village is 2 lanes and is a freeway 23 hours a day. If we're going to scrap something on Hunter, let's make it the completely useless live lane.

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