Comment 88838

By Rational Optimist (anonymous) | Posted May 21, 2013 at 09:49:35 in reply to Comment 88837

I don't think any paperwork is needed. No particular oversight is required, either. I think that the author of the article is correct in saying that basic standards should be laid out, but there is no reason they be terribly specific, and certainly no reason for licensing. You're right: the City doesn't have the will to license cats (which probably is unnecessary), so definitely shouldn't be licensing chickens and bees.

I used to live in Kitchener, where so far as I can recall no debates like this happened. I'm not sure of the history- if chickens were forbidden by the municipality, who then later rescinded that policy, or what- and I can't even say 100% what laws are on the books. But several of my neighbours in a relatively dense downtown neighbourhood kept chickens. I can recall one adjacent neighbour commenting about some issue he perceived, and the one neighbour's chicken coop was moved to a different part of the yard as a result. It seemed to work.

I don't think I personally would be interested in keeping chickens. But if I'm allowed to have a dog, a much bigger and non-productive animal, definitely I think that the City is wrong to tell my neighbours they can't keep chickens.

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