Comment 87582

By jason (registered) | Posted March 30, 2013 at 01:15:07 in reply to Comment 87581

Cannon carries 18,000 cars per day at James. That means it needs 2 lanes, not 5 at Hess. Shrink it to 2-lanes which will feed perfectly into York. Add 1 left turn lane at Queen, add parking, a 2-way bike lane all the way to it's eastern terminus and plant tons of trees along the sidewalks.

York is 2-lanes from the 403 to Dundurn and 2 lanes eastbound past Hess. It doesn't need 3 in the middle. It should have 24-7 curb parking, bike lanes then 2 lanes of traffic. And again, street trees all the way down the street next to the curb parking due to the wide sidewalks.

Suddenly, without really affecting traffic flow, we've created complete, green, safe, business-friendly streets out of 2 of our most horrendous, dangerous streets.

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