Comment 87181

By J (registered) | Posted March 09, 2013 at 01:15:19

I'm stunned there are people hating on Supercrawl. I'm a hugely bitter person who hates government misspending, but here we have an event that brings people into the city who would never otherwise come, who every year take note of all the amazing changes the city is in the middle of, who spend money to eat and stay while they're here, and people are hating on $125,000???? $125,000 is 1/10th the cost of painting a line down the street on Caroline. It's the cost of building a berm in a park. There was a receptionist on the sunshine list last year who made more than that!!

Seriously, they would have Supercrawl in Ayn Rand's weird libertarian architect utopia. The only reason it needs funding is because there is no way to harness the amazing value it creates.

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