Comment 86572

By RenaissanceWatcher (registered) | Posted February 21, 2013 at 08:23:13

"Chamber of Commerce survey says 67% of respondents oppose standalone downtown casino" by Kayleigh Rogers and Samantha Craggs on CBC Hamilton:

"Chamber businesses split over casino location" by Matthew Van Dongen on

It is interesting to see that 50% of the Chamber members who responded to the survey support a casino the existing Flamborough location and 46% support a downtown casino so long as it is packaged with a hotel and entertainment complex.

What would the results have been had the Chamber members been asked a question along the following lines:

"Do you support a standalone casino at the existing Flamborough site and a new downtown hotel and entertainment complex without a casino?"

This question presents a very real option given the potential obstacles to building a hotel at Flamboro Downs and the promise made by Carmen's to build a downtown hotel with restaurant and entertainment components contingent within three to five years of winning the Hamilton Convention Centre management contract.

Comment edited by RenaissanceWatcher on 2013-02-21 08:43:21

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