Comment 84105

By Keith (anonymous) | Posted December 18, 2012 at 14:34:11

I just want to be upfront and say I'm not trying to troll. I'm involved in transport consulting and support the cause, but want to point out some other factors that you may consider factoring into your analysis.

The Canadian Capacity Guide is the guide to determine vehicle capacity at a signalized intersection. This is the "standard" that's used almost exclusively across Canada in capacity issues. Factors that influence capacity include the number of bus movements, bus stop location, pedestrian and cyclist volumes, design radii, speed, intersection density etc. You may want to consider the "calculated" capacity of these different roads since in its current state, the data can be easy to discredit by someone who's working against you. I think the work you've done is great and this is meant as a way to help solidify your case.


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