Comment 82678

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted November 08, 2012 at 10:02:04

Congrats RTH. Well deserved! Might I suggest that there should be an award for people, groups, or organizations who give citizens platforms where they can be engaged citizens - a place they can learn not just about the headlines, but the hard facts of the deeper inner-workings of the places, things, and politics of our cities.

When you suddenly find yourself watching council meetings or Hamilton Life or the O Show or the Opinionator's on C14 instead of watching re-runs of Seinfeld, you know your City and the citizens within it, are doing a good job at helping us find more joy and self-fulfillment in being involved and knowledgeable about the world directly around us.

Thanks RTH for the role you play in changing the way we spend the few precious spare moments in our hectic lives. I can think of no greater gift in return, than to do our best as newly involved parents to raise little Opinionator watchers ourselves. Or CFMU or Indie listeners, or BIA district/Farmers Market smart, local, shoppers.

Our children look up to us. It's important to ask ourselves what they are looking up at?

Comment edited by lawrence on 2012-11-08 10:05:02

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