Comment 80625

By TDR (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2012 at 14:18:35 in reply to Comment 80603

I’m not a liar, and I take great offence that you call me one. If you disagree, that’s fine. But I’m not a liar. Perhaps your across the street neighbour has information I don’t and can educate me.

How on earth did he have his “troublemaking” tenants “removed”? Was the trouble actually illegal (because that is cause for eviction)? Or was it just being loud, smelly, unsightly, obnoxious?

And you say that the landlord isn’t entering the units. Yes, this is my point exactly. I routinely stop by my rentals too, to make sure they’re in good repair, well maintained, and all is tickety-boo. But if my tenant punches a hole in the wall, or lets his dog shit on the floor, or has a bedbug infestation, I can’t tell that from the exterior. This is the sort of thing I’m talking about.

And I also supply my neighbours with my phone number and keep up to date with them. This is about good neighbourhoods, not making excuses for slumlords.

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