Comment 78730

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted June 20, 2012 at 12:47:46 in reply to Comment 78725

I won't pretend to totally understand this but would the fact that the burden switches to the provincial level mean that cost is spread across a province and mean a less overall tax burden in the long run for Hamiltonians rather then the current situation of us paying for all these costs?

Hamilton offers a hell of a lot of services other communities don't from my understanding so if people are specifically relocating to Hamilton or closer to it to utilize these services, why should the Hamilton taxpayer alone have to cover these costs?

I am not big on this whole suing our own government none sense however (aka Red Hill). We all lose there it seems in one way or another.

Does the City of Hamilton as a business entity have to pay separate provincial taxes? Can we instead withhold payment if they don't recognize this recent ruling and agree to pay us back or at least start covering these costs going forward? I guess that might mean the Province in turn sues us instead but there has to be another way to drive this home in a way that makes it a no brainer for them to adjust these costs?

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