Comment 74234

By ScreamingViking (registered) | Posted February 11, 2012 at 17:38:13 in reply to Comment 74214

The city should be looking at maximizing value from a revenue perspective.

But the city needs to tread carefully about the planning for this site. I think this is currently one of THE prime redevelopment sites in the entire area at the west end of the lake (and will become more so when the GO station eventually opens).

How will the new development fit with the character of the surrounding neighbourhoods? How will it work from a transportation perspective? How does it mesh with the recreational aspects of that area? Is it to be an extension of downtown, or become a new node unto itself? There are probably other things to think about too.

My worry is what has happened 70km to the east. Do we want it to look and feel like Toronto's waterfront, the way Queens Quay has been developed? Do we want a CityPlace West sprouting up on this land? Do we want to ensure the right precedent has been set for the time when CN eventually vacates the rail yard? (and I do think they will - the value of it will make financial sense to them)

One tall-ish tower may be acceptable, but several or many may not. This is a real opportunity for the city and it needs to be carefully considered from a variety of perspectives.

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