Comment 71137

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted November 08, 2011 at 12:01:11 in reply to Comment 71120

The three corner buildings along King there are all in scale with each other, and only slightly shorter than the one building north of them on James. So I don't see them as being terribly out of scale with each other.

As for being "too thin" for most retail businesses, the corner building itself is of a fair size (including the nail salon, national pizza and the jewellry place) if it was all used as one or even two units it would be decently sized. I'm not certain what condition the upper floors are in but they would also be fair sizes. Certainly in Toronto a retailer might locate on one or two floors of a building this size.

The questions are: 1) Does the landowner want this or care who he rents to, so long as he gets the money? 2) Are there any retailers interested when you have the mall across the street with its own vacant units in a high traffic area?

Just becuase you build it doesn't mean they will come.

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