Comment 71111

By Core-B (registered) | Posted November 07, 2011 at 21:36:41

I spend a fair amount of time walking in the core.  Here are a few of my "reasons" why it isn't "the place to be" just yet: 1.There are still way too many people just hanging around. Quite often they are not waiting for a bus.  They are standing there smoking; blocking pedestrians and dousing their butts on the ground. Don't dare say anything to them. Solution: Either put the smokers back inside (yech), extend the by-law somehow so they aren't hanging around out front (perhaps rooftop smoking areas lol).  How about digging up the old Gore underground washroom hole and make it THE DESIGNATED GORE SMOKING SPOT. 2. I agree with others that forcing the building owners fix up their properties would be a great idea.  The owners should also see this as a positive if they looked at it down the road. 3. I know it's the chicken and egg scenario but I want to spend my money in the core. We need a large grocery store and a large department store.  Unfortunately, they won't arrive until the population in the core warrants it.  So, hopefully such things as the Connaught will be re-invigorated sooner rather than later with some type of residents (be that students or condos or hotel or whatever).  Solution: If you live in the core, where possible, buy what you need there.  If you are shopping outside the core and the retailer asks for your postal code; give it to them!  They track where their customers live. 4. Make it a place to be by having the "right" things like small bakeries, coffee shops with patios, nightclubs etc.  Call them comfort stores. Not bingo halls, thrift stores, head shops, porn theatre, junk stores etc. These all serve a "need" but they are not needed in our core.

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