Comment 71095

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted November 07, 2011 at 11:51:02

re: Building Appearance By-Laws - I agree 100%. The corner of King and James and King and John both have at least one anchor building that is in terrible state. Crumbling stained broken stucco, broken shutters in bad need of painting, etc. etc. If you're gong to own a building, you should have to maintain it. Little things like the appearance of buildings goes a long way towards the impression of a place.

Ideally I'd also like to see something done about those signs that cover all three floors of the building (i.e. subway) that's not appropriate at all for downtown Hamilton, and they shoudl be made to restore the exterior appearance of the upper floors, even if they don't want to do anything with the inside. We deserve better than a giant sign.

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