Comment 70320

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted October 04, 2011 at 20:29:18

It is too soon for the province to commit capital funding for two planned light rail lines in Hamilton, said the head of Ontario’s regional transit agency.

Metrolinx CEO Bruce McCuaig responded Tuesday to a motion from city council last week calling on the province to confirm capital funding for two LRT lines in Hamilton.

McCuaig told city manager Chris Murray “the timing of council’s request does not allow for a government response” because of the election, according to a summary of the conversation circulated to councillors.

The summary adds it is “premature to comment on capital cost responsibility” until the city finishes its design and engineering studies for the light rail lines that were pitched by the Liberals during the 2007 election campaign. Metrolinx will consider the studies in 2012.

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