Comment 70140

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted September 29, 2011 at 15:21:27 in reply to Comment 70132

Hey Undustrial, Any time :)

I appreciate your comment that maybe there are more fatalities on two way streets because there are more of them compared to one way streets. I think that's a logical hypothesis. The point of me bringing up the map though was more to dispel this 'myth' that Hamilton's One Way streets are so dangerous. It was a direct response to "Those fatalities I think are a result of extreme high speeds and oneway traffic"

Obviously this person gave no thought to their comment and/or has no knowledge of the facts. Yet, he gets upvoted while my comment which politely pointed them to the facts gets downvoted. Telling?

What I find most useful or interesting about the map is that it is a 100% contradiction to the repetitive statement, heard so often here, that one way streets are so dangerous. Some people here try to make it sound as if Hamilton's one way streets are some crazy death trap. Yet, here we have the data to show that despite people's perception, there wasn't a single death on any of the major one way streets. Despite the facts, people continue to spread lies about One Way streets being more dangerous than Two Way streets.

And, although I think you raise a good point about there being a higher number of two way streets compared to one way streets, one also needs to consider that the One Way streets which do exist carry a much higher number of vehicles than most (all?) of the two way streets.

Comment edited by SpaceMonkey on 2011-09-29 15:22:49

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