Comment 69432

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted September 12, 2011 at 11:19:31 in reply to Comment 69415

I love this quote by Sean Burak:

Research parks will create high tech, long term, well paying jobs. They are true employment lands, and represent exactly the type of development we should be striving for in order to move our city forward under the stresses of a shrinking manufacturing industry base. Trinity has appealed to the OMB to have these land use restrictions removed.

Let me restate the point to ensure it is obvious and clear: Retail development does not offer long-term financial or social benefits to the city.

Retail, especially in big box form, offers short-term cash in terms of taxes paid to the city. But at the same time, it sucks money from the local shoppers and funnels the meat of the profits to large corporations based in other cities, or in most cases, other countries.

Locally, retail offers little back to the community: taxes and short-term, low-paying jobs with no benefits. It also creates seas of parking which are not only ugly to look at, but put undue stress on our wastewater management systems.

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