Comment 68033

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted August 15, 2011 at 16:29:46

Some great comments, CityJoe. Love this one:

Many people here seem to have been so divorced from local politics for so long, & City Council has made things difficult for people who wish to be heard. (Too much secrecy, & often disrespect is shown to citizens who ask to speak, etc.)

Are you sure that bit about animals isn't a 2 dog limit and not a two animal limt? If that is the case, Hamilton is most definately and surely, a bunch of hooligan's. :) And the bit about calling Animal Control, not likely. They have a 72 hour holding limit for Cats in specific. Than -----. They do call the SPCA first to see if they have space, but the number of cats turned in each day is sadly quite substantial. :( There are many local volunteer run agencies who will help you. Our resdient stray came to us with a sore paw. The one agency had the paw fixed, and then had him fixed and microchipped and released him back into my care until he was safe to go back outside.

My Hamilton would also see animals more as part of our society than it currently does - including many more leash free parks and yes, that 2-5 hectre thing is redonkulous. We'll see how far the plan I am sending to my councillor for a dog park close to my home goes. It most definately doesn't fall under the space guidlines or close to residential homes guidlines but those criteria would leave me to believe dog parks can only exist in the forest far away from where people live or public transit. Not that you are aloud to bring your dog on the bus which should be challenged in itself, because of our lack of public leash-free spaces. Me going up to the SPCA leash-free is environmentally backwards.

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