Comment 67819

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted August 10, 2011 at 16:53:50

Our finest hour? If that's true, then Hamilton has run out of time.

We give them $20,000,000 as a capital grant, which is the same amount they asked for earlier but for a larger project, some of which we have to borrow and pay interest on.

We pay them $27,000,000 in rent over 30-years at a rate that far exceeds what we pay now.

Mac has the same number of people working there as did the BOE for the past 45 years, perhaps the only difference being that they'll put in a chain coffee shop like they did at City Hall. Oh, the economic multiplier. I can smell the java from here.

They won't commit to Phase 2. Maybe. Maybe not. We'll have to wait and see.

We receive $0.00 in new taxes (just like the BOE, although we didn't pay them anything). Sure, this is gonna revitalize the downtown core.

Oh, but apparently this building will reduce the rate of teenage pregnancies. Huh? Maybe if we give them even more money and rent more space we can cure cancer too.

And this band of braniacs is going to keep taxes to 0% for each of the next 4 years. Service cuts anybody?

I don't know how many math classes Bratina and the other Councillors who voted yes for this deal missed in high school, but this is just plain stupid. Our finest hour? Holy moly. Brad Clark gets it. So does Brenda Johnson. The others must have bought into the "lovefest" hype Bratina's been spouting on CHML.

And don't get me started about heritage. OK, I got started. When Margaret Atwood comes to tour the Hamilton Library, let's be sure we take her over to see our Board of Education building before McMaster, Bob Bratina and the majority of City Council destroy it.

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