Comment 67709

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted August 09, 2011 at 07:13:39 in reply to Comment 67684

How often have you heard of a cop shooting someone if they drop to the ground and just lay there with there hands and feet visible and not moving? Sure they are likely to cuff him until they figure out what is going on but he would still be alive today. Police are sometimes overzealous in their use of force but it usually triggered by actions of the suspect. I suspect that the lad was not shot in the back since that alone would have made huge headlines so it is unlikely that he was running away from the police. The report states that he had wondered off from the party and yet when he was shot suddenly there are family witnesses.

Why did the boy die? He was shot 8 times, twice in the hand, once in each shoulder and 4 times in the leg. The hospital said he had non life threatening injuries shortly before he died.

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