Comment 67644

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted August 08, 2011 at 13:31:50

With all due deference to our elected officials and the complex business of city-minding, I'm used to hearing Mayor Bratina play his standard "It would be improper to speak on behalf of my council colleagues" card, or seeing him defer to council consensus, as on the AEGD issue (Spec, Aug 4: "Mayor Bob Bratina isn’t as enthusiastic about the plan, but said he respects council’s decision.").

Two files that appear to elicit a different response, both in content and tone, are the Pan Am Stadium and rapid transit. In both instances, professional entanglements suggest a reason why he is playing the hand the way he is, but in both cases emotion seems to be much more of a factor than matters such as "solid data around capital costs, operating costs, and new revenues derived from the project" (that's certainly true of the stadium fracas). Am I alone in finding this to be the case?

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