Comment 67240

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted August 02, 2011 at 15:24:04

Exceptional piece. Thanks Nicholas.

While there are so many great elements on which to comment, but once again for me (and a some others who post on this site) it falls to the essence of success - a clearly articulated, well-understood vision of an achievable future with the necessary policies and procedures in place that are logical, enforceable, defensible and memorable. I realize that's quite a mouthful, but when you have this, you have hope.

Admittedly, you also have to have intelligent, dedicated, well-read, well-travelled, modern leaders who are able to articulate the vision in the first place and who are serious about seeing the vision achieved, even in the face of opposition.

When getting re-elected is an important personal goal, your decisions get filtered through that goal. When doing what's best for most, and not just the "fix-my-pothole" constituents is an important goal, well you get the idea.

Will somebody please read the above out loud to Tom "no-to-bike-lanes" Jackson and answer any questions he might have? No disrespect Tom, but it's time. It really is time.

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