Comment 66680

By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted July 21, 2011 at 00:13:01

The only valuable part of this article is the post industrial question. The rest is putting the cart before the horse. Restore the Hamilton economy and amenities will follow. Trying to do this backwards will ensure utter failure - taxes have been driving businesses away for years.

Using Pittsburgh as a comparator is not a good idea. Last time I looked, they had huge pools of money in foundations (Mellon, Carnegie?). Such money can focus the civic mind wonderfully. That turnover you mentioned probably helped too, so is the lesson to boot out all the stick-in-the-mud types around here? Come to think of it...... ;-)

My own recommendation is for everyone to cancel their subscriptions to the Spec, the single most deleterious influence in the city, and TV, the biggest time waster and brain scrambler in modern life. Then perhaps one will hear different voices when it comes time for citizens to exercise their franchise in our system. My hope is that this will sort of happen of its own accord when the soon-to-be-experienced brown stuff hits the fan.

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