Comment 62777

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted April 27, 2011 at 04:26:15

Coalition or not? Can Iggy give an actual answer? This is our shot - we don't get to vote again a month later if we don't like how they form the government. So who do we vote for if we want a coalition, and who do we vote for if we don't? Or are we just going to be asked, once again, to "trust them"?

The NDP's problem has long been inertia. It isn't that their ideas aren't popular, but there's a real fear that if we want to "keep the conservatives out" we need to "hold our nose and vote Liberal". With a reversal in polls, everything changes. How many people would actually vote NDP if given the "chance"? And does the NDP have what it takes to run with it?

Finally, things are getting interesting.

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