Comment 62690

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted April 26, 2011 at 03:27:59

In Toronto & other places, you can put pet waste into the Green Bin.

Until the past few years, Hamilton did not have a policy on pet waste. It wasn't compostable, & it wasn't even garbage. They wanted owners to pick it up, & rightly so, but had no idea what was to be done with it after the fact. It was not allowed to be put into the garbage. Poop in Limbo.

How many pets in the GHA, & until recently there was no policy or no actual thought to what to do with pet waste! It didn't exist, as far as city hall was concerned.

Thank goodness we have progressed from there, but it's that kind of thinking that has gotten Hamilton into the mess that it's in. ("Ignore it & it will go away.")

My green bin goes out full every week, because I don't want to have or create a rat problem. I compost garden material, but not kitchen waste. This area has had frequent rat infestations before, & that IS a health hazard. Keeping multiple green bins around for weeks will attract rats. mice, raccoons, & possums. The green bins are not very secure, so they must be stored in a garage ('don't have one!), in a separate garbage locked box, or in the basement. Oh Goody! The rec room becomes the wreck room.

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