Comment 51062

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted November 03, 2010 at 00:46:25

As someone in the 21-35 age bracket who grew up here, I can attest to a prevailing sense that there is no serious employment here. Yes, there are call centre jobs, temp agencies and big-box stores, but if you're educated to do anything serious (art, business, even factories, etc) you pretty much have to move somewhere like Toronto. As someone in that age bracket who's looked for jobs, it's largely true.

How exactly is a stadium going to change this? It's such a fantastical leap I don't even know where to begin. Sure, there's low-paying service sector jobs, but is that really the kind of employment we want to be nurturing? This whole thing is a farce, and it's exactly this kind of 1950s thinking and governing driving people my age out of this town.

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