Comment 50912

By d.knox (registered) | Posted October 29, 2010 at 22:59:51

I often pause and remind myself that this very discussion we are having was engineered by the Feds when they downloaded social responsibilities to the provinces and thence to the municipalities.

While "the poor" are someone else's vague responsibility, everyone seems fine to talk about giving more money. But make it tangible, as increases to our property taxes do, and people naturally become more accountable.

When our vehicle insurance and gas costs go up, no one is up in arms about the poor middle classes and how we will manage. Municipal transportation systems face the same cost increases, and the costs should be passed on. It's still much cheaper to ride the bus than it is to drive a car - I think I can buy a year's transit pass for just the cost of insurance on my car. Given that the HSR is cheaper than any other comparable transportation system in the Golden Horseshoe, and it even offers a 50% discount to any working person below the LICO, I think our rates are more than fair, and fare increases are not unreasonable.

I don't think we'll ever resolve the natural dialectic of rural/suburban vs. urban. I like to see it as an integral checks and balances.

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