Comment 48636

By adrian (registered) | Posted October 01, 2010 at 16:51:57

Who wrote this? I only see 'RTH staff' for the author. Is Paul RTH staff?

In response to this, and to those who talk about a bias towards Tetley in this article: the article contains virtually no content written by anyone from RTH, except for an introduction explaining what is going on. It consists entirely of portions of an email exchange between Tony Fallis, the City's Manager of Elections and Print & Mail and Ward 3 candidate Paul Tetley.

You could accurately say that the article was written by Fallis and Tetley, although it was not posted by either.

How can that be biased? Both sides of the conversation are clearly shown, and it is up to you to decide to agree with Tetley, or Fallis, or neither.

Is this blog-worthy? I believe it is, because it is interesting, germane, and provokes discussion.

I agree that the above article is in poor taste and likely would not have been written about Mr. McHattie or Mayor Fred.

If Tony Greco, challenger in Ward 1, were to write an email to Tony Fallis claiming similar things about McHattie, absolutely we would write about it. Remember, this is not an article about Morelli, it's simply a copy of correspondence between Tetley and a city official that is about Morelli.

When Chapman accused DiIanni of fraud in the campaign before last, were media organizations that talked about her claim guilty of being biased against DiIanni?

Comment edited by administrator adrian on 2010-10-01 15:57:45

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