Comment 47943

By Kiely (registered) | Posted September 20, 2010 at 14:56:58

Hamilton has more important games to play

And good games they are:

Clean up the Sludge Harbour Dive (sort of like bobbing for apples but now with sludge!)

The Matt Jelly Invitational Toxic Barrel Hunt… remember, bring your own work gloves!

Musical Soap Boxes… the always in-season game where Hamilton politicians duke it out to see who can get on top of their latest soap box first!!! Don't be the one left on the sidelines without a quote in the Spec! The overall winner gets 5 minutes with Hebsy and Donna on Live @ 5:30!!!

And don't forget it is the season for "Spot the Mayfly Politician!", with some people's political aspirations ending as quick as they began!

; )

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