Comment 47085

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted September 02, 2010 at 18:50:15

Gasoline-powered two-stroke engines are without a doubt the coolest looking, sounding, and most steampunk. The problem is, it's also by far the worst idea environmentally. Two stroke engines just don't burn clean.

There's some real safety issues here too. It takes practice and training to get to the point where you can move at 50-60kph on flat ground with a bicycle. But with a motor, that becomes a lot easier for untrained people to do. My roommate has a motorcycle, so I know all the stats. If you live through the first six months of riding, or owning a new unfamiliar bike, you're probably ok. But if anything goes wrong at those speeds, you'll be lucky to be an organ donor. At what point should a hybrid bike rider wear leathers?

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