Comment 46035

By realfreeenterpriser (registered) | Posted August 20, 2010 at 08:16:38

Chris Angel - You dismiss Lawrence's contention that Copps Collisem ISN'T a "white elephant". Please tell us, specifically, why it IS a "white elephant"? Then tell us where Hamilton would hold Elton John Concerts, Disney on Ice, Bulldogs games, NHL preseason games, numerous conventions etcetera?

As well, in referring to West Harbour supporters, you said "If you have read a study it isn't the right study unless it supports our point of view" Specifically, what studies regarding the viability of ANY Hamilton stadium have you read? Have you read any prepared by the Tiger-Cats?

Further you described West Harbour supporters as "zealots who would rather see no stadium at all unless it is built in the area they live". Specifically, how is it that you know where West Harbour supporters live? And how do you respond to the fact that I have a job, live way out in the country with equal access to the Linc or downtown yet favour a West Harbour location?

Do you think it would be fair to say, after his high-pitched rant at City Hall, that P.J. Mercanti "is a zealot who would rather see no stadium at all unless it is built beside his Daddy's business"?

I've posed 6 reasonable questions here. Simply answering the questions and providing readers with facts that can be backed up or referencing particular studies or reports, would go a long way to promote a more civil debate. Unsubstantiated throw away lines and references to "pointy heads" and "who's got a job" don't really change a thing.

Your answers might just change some minds.

Comment edited by realfreeenterpriser on 2010-08-20 07:18:23

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