Comment 45608

By cityfan (registered) | Posted August 13, 2010 at 10:51:22

THe old boys club is putting pressure on council for sure. now is the time that we step up and let our voices be heard. It we don't we can possiby loose this great opportunity downtown. What I heard on CHML this morning (no surprise!) by Mr Turkster is that there could possibly be a OMB (Ontario Municipal Board) court hearing to stop the west harbour city planning area. That could take weeks to clear up in court. HostCo may not like that and they could pull this to another area. But what I'm trying to figure out is if they put this at York Univeristy or wherever. Where is the high performance tenent coming from? that what baffles me....HostCo said themselves (Ian Troop) have said that Hamilton could be a soccer center affiliated with Canadian Soccer Team and training centre. It just makes sense!

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