Comment 45208

By goin'downtown (registered) | Posted August 09, 2010 at 09:02:51

"The rest are the usual platitudes about environmentalism, public transportantion, and urban sprawl. While these are fine general guidelines, a project of this magnitude requires a little more than buzz words."

It's disappointing when I read stuff like that - bit of a dose of reality - that we are still wading in those attitudes. I look forward to the day when "environmental sustainability" isn't viewed as buzz words because it's a given; hope it's not far off. Platitudes? Wow. Talk about a kick in the teeth for good, sustainable planning. I know developers generally cringe when they see these attributes demanded in a project (LEED, etc.), but I thought that was because of the increased expense in building something correctly. I truly don't understand the disconnect between living on this planet in a way that allows us to continue to do so, and living on this planet in a way that decreases the longevity of our family lines.

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