Comment 42523

By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted June 28, 2010 at 17:04:07

Ok A Smith, lets duke it out. You keep getting downvoted, called a troll etc. and I don't want you beating my record! Seems there is good reason since you keep up pointless philosophical arguments, though I usually enjoy/ agree with your sentiment. The problem is that Ryan started a legit topic wrt Hamilton and you hijack it into endless non specific debate. I wouldn't care except that an election is coming up and someone needs to break the logjam - or should i call it couchpotatojam - or Hamilton can't fix itself for another 4 yrs. The problems you allude to are getting serious. So I want to challenge you to be specific about what you would do with Hamilton if you were mayor. Don't just give us the definition of libertarian. You have to recommend a practical plan that addresses real world requirements. Pick just one topic/solution and address the various pitfalls that are sure to come up. If you say, just let business take care of it, well, what if they don't, nothing happens and the problem remains? If you want lower (city) taxes as do I, how low, how can that be achieved? If you want individualism, how many different individualisms can there be before chaos reigns with nobody wanting to give ground? Hey, even an urbanist like Jane Jacobs promotes diversity (=individualism?), which is fine by me too. Is there any city anywhere that has tried libertarian ideals? Is libertarianism good for a technologically & culturally complex world? Ryan has posed a lot of questions/ issues on his site and i feel we owe it to him and our city to address issues with specific recommendations, not general philosophies. I believe your contribution could be quite innovative and hope you will rise to this challenge.

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