Comment 41946

By frank (registered) | Posted June 14, 2010 at 09:57:31

Kiely, if you're speaking about Hart Solomon someone addressed that already. As the representative for the client, if his (and the other antiquated fixtures at City Hall) viewpoint doesn't change nothing will. See the post by Mr.'s exactly as he says garbage in, garbage out.

"Engineering = good on paper" I'm assuming is meant to demonstrate the fact that many engineers have no idea what's going on in the field. ("My computer screen and calculator say it will work" akin to Homer's "tv said so"!!) Engineering is always good on paper, it's the best engineers/designers that go out to the field to view the impact of their work and are willing to make design changes based on something other than the status quo. And there are some of those, I've met them. Unfortunately, it's not the norm though.

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