Comment 41491

By UrbanRenaissance (registered) | Posted June 02, 2010 at 17:05:18

Surely, what Hamilton is new ideas. One thing you can say about Mahesh is that he does have lots of new ideas. He should not be marginalized and ridiculed by journalists treating their column as a bully pulpit.

I think it's silly for Drescel to threaten a defamation suit for that but it surely goes farther than what we can fairly say in a criticism of the guy. It's not like there's a shortage of real things to criticize that you have to make more things up.

I completely agree with both of you, and personally what bothers me most about this whole thing is how disappointed I am with Mahesh. Once you figure out what the hell he's saying, he makes many excellent points and has some intriguing ideas. I was really looking forward to seeing his full platform; instead he got sucked into a flame war and really lost a lot of credibility in my eyes.

RTH ought to be no more liable for its contents than any letter to the editor the Spectator runs

Again could not agree more but the current law seems pretty murky when it comes to blogs republishing or linking other peoples opinions. I can;t blame Ryan for taking the "better-safe-than-sorry" route.

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