Comment 40183

By Tybalt (registered) | Posted April 26, 2010 at 21:22:21

"But now that we have only one road coming in, it had better be a big road. And since there is a big, (one-way) road, why, we don't need any more roads!"

Heh. Yeah, that's typical of thinking here.

I was remarkably lucky in my year-plus of commuting between the Westdale area and downtown, that only on two nights did I try to come home at rush hour when there was a blockage/accident problem along King Street West. (Usually, if I heard there was traffic, I'd stay late until 8 or 9 and of course take Aberdeen). On one memorable evening, I actually abandoned the bus I was riding at Victoria Park, and walked home. That simply wouldn't happen if there was more than one route into West Hamilton.

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