Comment 39749

By d.knox (registered) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 17:40:04

Grassroots: If you read moylek's response to your post, he did include the word only - eating "only" foodbank rations. I listened to an interview on the CBC with someone taking the challenge and he said himself that it's a publicity stunt and of course they weren't trying to suggest that people using foodbanks would only be eating food from the foodbanks. The foodbank ration is a supplement to whatever someone would be eating with their own money.

I was quite put off when the interviewee started off by saying that it was only the first day and he was already suffering because he'd had to eat stupid food for breakfast. What was the stupid food? Oatmeal. For me, he lost his credibility right there.

You'll get no argument from me that there are problems with the system, and I can imagine that it's hard to acknowledge that some of the problem lies with the welfare recipients themselves. But I think that's where it's at.

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