Comment 39690

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 01:44:34

Moylek writes: But I don't think that the problem in 21st century Hamilton is what it was in 19th century Britain - a simple lack of money to feed, clothe and house families leading to disease and death and crime.

Please explain what the differences really are between the two eras.

What exactly do you know about the welfare system, as it stands today, anything. Of course in only giving people less then $600 per month to live on, is not really the problem right and the fact of the over 800 stupid rules, that can see a person cut off and left with nothing but the streets.

There is a campaign going on right now, Eat the Math, why dont you try to live on amount of food given out by the foodbanks. You only get food for a couple of days,which people try to stretch as long as possible, which very rarely contains any fresh fruit or vegetables. Remember now, you can only go to the foodbank once a month, sometimes once every three months and some every six months.

Comment edited by grassroots are the way forward on 2010-04-13 00:45:24

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