Comment 39016

By TheAuthor (anonymous) | Posted March 23, 2010 at 09:09:22

@transitstudent - You're right - 3 phase lights are standard practice. In this case, however, it seems clear that their use prioritizes cars to the detriment of the neighbourhood. This is a straightforward intersection - a four lane road meeting a two lane road. A three phase light helps cars get around, but does little for people wanting to walk anywhere. And I think that's the wrong approach to creating a healthy neighbourhood (and by healthy, I mean vibrant, with stores on the streets that people want to walk to.)

With the addition of bike lanes to Dundurn, many businesses were decrying the lost parking spaces. I think that by improving walkability along that street, people would go to these businesses and not need parking (ie walk) - but currently, its just not a walk that feels safe and convenient.

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