Comment 38063

By jason (registered) | Posted February 15, 2010 at 21:47:44

we all know that brownfields are expensive to clean up. That's why we have acres and acres of them scarring our landscape and contributing to our bad economy, bad image and less than vibrant (and less than functioning well) urban core.

A well designed stadium can be a huge boost to this area. The North End neighbourhood group did great work to have Pier 8 eliminated as an option. This current location is almost perfect. there's a few dozen homes nearby, but otherwise there's nothing other than crappy, ugly, empty land that will stay that way until the next stadium proposal in say.....80 years.

I've chatted with folks at some James North restaurants and they are hoping for the stadium and velodrome. Property owners along the west harbourfront towards Bay and towards Dundurn Castle have also announced impressive redevelopment ideas for their lands if the stadium moves ahead. As someone who lives a short walk from this area, I sure hope the city doesn't blow yet another no-brainer decision to inject life, commerce and well designed urban amenities into the downtown/waterfront area.

Here on RTH we used to talk about whether we were going to 'lead or lag' as a city. I'm way beyond that. I'm just hoping that we'll learn how to start following successful cities and see some of their success come to our city. I've given up on any hope that we'll ever lead. Let's just learn to follow the right cities...and in less than several decades full of useless studies.

Comment edited by jason on 2010-02-15 20:53:35

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