Comment 36003

By Really? (registered) | Posted December 03, 2009 at 16:39:11

^^ I'm also not suggesting that Cannon Street remain a barren wasteland Highway Service-type road, but like Jason, am very annoyed that another 'local' establishment is just up-and-leaving, despite YEARS of loyalty from their local clientel (my Grandma lived on Colbourne, and I spent many hours in that Big V).

So what? They expect their clients to start to drive in order to keep shopping there? I know there aren't many older people who are willing to walk from McNab & Colbourne to Wellington & Cannon!? And drive? Well, not if Shoppers wants to keep their front windows/entrances in-tact ;)

It's just a terrible diservice on Shoppers behalf, but in these Times, again, I'm not shocked.

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