Comment 34651

By jason (registered) | Posted October 09, 2009 at 10:32:19

I'm still conflicted on this one, but am leaning towards King Street. Like Kevlehan mentioned above, King is the pedestrian-oriented street with a ton of storefronts as well as Gore Park, the centre of the city. With LRT on King, Main is scheduled to become a normal 2-way street with street parking in some spots and none in others. Even sections of King will have street parking under this plan, and I've written previously on RTH that King can handle more street parking than what is being suggested by the rapid transit study.

Long term, I'd like to see the possible pedestrianization of King on both sides of the Gore with LRT and service vehicles only. Or perhaps a 'naked streets' concept from James to Wellington along King. If LRT moves to Main, none of these ideas will be possible due to the need for King to handle the vehicle travel. Main will improve by becoming two-way and slower. Think Yonge St in Toronto.

Also, there is potential for a LOT of street parking to be added to the north/south streets that intersect King and Main. Areas that come to mind are Bay St from King to Main, Wellington and Victoria on both sides, Wentworth on both sides etc.....

At the end of the day, I agree with previous posters that the real issue is landing LRT. I'll be happy regardless of where it goes, but I think King St gives us potential for more pedestrian improvements down the road and will breathe life back into a rather downtrodden streetscape, especially east of Wellington and in Gore Park.

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