Comment 33877

By rusty (registered) - website | Posted September 18, 2009 at 12:49:55

cptobvious - I don't understand your point about Sherbourne and Dundas. On the one hand you are saying it HAS declined and on the other hand you are saying your friend lives their and she loves it (did I read that right?) Which is it?

I also don't understand your reasoning for why it has declined. Rents to the east increased so the Yuppies moved in and this caused the problem? How so?

I don't agree that low income folks should be priced out of any neighbourhoods. They need effective and affordable transit and to enjoy mixed neighbourhoods. This should apply to all urban neighbourhoods!

Another point I don't understand - You appear to be agreeing that mixed neighbourhoods are good for everyone (I live in one and I agree with that. They are good for middle income earners, high income earners and low income earners - the mixture benefits us all). But then you say your friend lives in a low income neighbourhood and loves it. I have 2 friends who grew up in low income neighbourhoods (Regents Pk and Dundas/Sherbourne). They both hated it. In fact one of them explained just how hard it was for his family to get out, and break out of the cycle of poverty the neighbourhood encouraged. Their words not mine. All I know is that these neighbourhoods are not safe to walk through at night. None of this is new - low income neighbourhoods concentrate crime and hopelessness.

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