Comment 33479

By jason (registered) | Posted September 14, 2009 at 15:30:41

This is a great line synxer: " It's not time for NIMBY, its time for CHANGE." Well done.

I agree with the above post that written guarantees are complete garbage, but I think each of us needs to let council know that a) we disapprove of this in this building, and b) IF you're going to go ahead and approve it anyhow, WE are holding you responsible for how it turns out. If we build another regent park 40 years later I hope it costs each and everyone of them their jobs. We need to let them know that they are making this decision with one of our most famed landmarks. They'd better find more private partners, more government money, more anything that allows condos or a boutique hotel to be added to the mix, along with a good grocery store, attractive urban design, a cafe with patio at the Gore Park portion. Not more glazed glass with more friggin offices ala Eatons on York. Let's hold councils feet to the fire. After all, WE are the ones paying for this.

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