Comment 33160

By LL (registered) - website | Posted September 01, 2009 at 18:56:30

Wow. Hear that Council and Chamber? That was the Globe and Mail talking. You are getting direct orders from higher levels of the establishment. Your major assets are the greenspaces and the workers, not the expressway and the airport. Fix downtown and make it suitable for the quality of life that today's workforce demands. Stop being so damn "parochial" and "50's" in your thinking.

Unlike the locals who you've brainwashed with consultants and media monopoly, this author can see the plain, obvious truth of the matter. Your expressway was to spur suburban development - not to relieve traffic or bring jobs. You killed downtown - it didn't die of natural causes because people don't like cities. Your chance of being a "livingroom" community for Toronto rests on being a "real city" - an alternative to Mississauga or Milton, not an imitation of them.

One thing I disagreed with in the article though was its assessment of manufacturing. I have a hunch heavy manufacturing will come back to North America now that they've used "globalization" to kill previous decades' wage gains. It doesn't make sense that whole sections of the world don't make anything.

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